Gütekriterien und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Entwicklung von Forschungssoftware in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft

The development of research software in communication science has become inevitable. Constant changes of social, legal, normative, and technological predispositions render today’s media and communication a moving research target, requiring perfectly suited methodological approaches and respective research software. Research software are thereby understood as scripts and applications developed within the field and as means for research. In communication science, research software has previously been developed within individual projects and oftentimes by individual (self-taught) developing researchers. While such individuality is certainly beneficial to innovation, it also contradicts the sustainability and thus institutionalization of research software. Building on findings and experiences from other disciplines, this article lists nine quality criteria to foster a more sustainable research-software landscape within communication science. That is, research software should be accessible, connectable, comprehensible, traceable, autonomous, structured, verified, cautious, and usable. In addition, this article compiles four recommendations to sustainably institutionalize high-quality research software. That is, early and strengthened methodological training throughout curricula, various opportunities for visibility and recognition of research software, more and more appropriate funding formats to develop and maintain high-quality research software, and institutionalized incentives that help translate a professional approach to research software into academic career options.

Haim, M. (2021). Gütekriterien und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Entwicklung von Forschungssoftware in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. [Quality Criteria and Recommendations for Developing Research Software in Communication Science.] Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 69(1), 65-79. https://dx.doi.org/10.5771/1615-634X-2021-1-65 * (content_copy)

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