Design thinking for journalism in the AI age: Towards an innovation process for responsible AI applications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies offer opportunities for news organizations to become more efficient. At the same time, the adoption of AI in journalism raises concerns, including whether such efficiency-driven AI applications will endanger the democratic function of news organizations. In this paper, we present a Design Thinking (DT) process that draws on co-creation with journalists, aims to balance efficiency and quality standards, and prototypes a responsible AI application for journalism. We conceptualized the DT process based on interdisciplinary literature and tested it in a project with journalism students from a leading German journalism school.

Portugal, R., Wilczek, B., Eder, M., Thurman, N., & Haim, M. (6/2023). Design thinking for journalism in the AI age: Towards an innovation process for responsible AI applications. Presented at the Joint Computation + Journalism and European Data & Computational Journalism Conference, Zurich. (content_copy)